F# is a mature, open source, cross-platform, functional-first programming language. It empowers users and organizations to tackle complex computing problems with simple, maintainable and robust code.

F# is a mature, open source, cross-platform, functional-first programming language. It empowers users and organizations to tackle complex computing problems with simple, maintainable and robust code.
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We see great potential for F# to be used as a scripting language in CAD, it fits very well for computational design challenges in the construction industry.
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F# is the night vision goggles I need when I go into the dark and attempt to solve previously unsolved problems.
When F# is combined with Visual Studio… productivity goes through the roof!
The simple, well-designed and powerful core of the language was perfect for introducing the fundamental concepts of functional programming.
We would recommend F# as an additional tool in the kit of any company building software on the .NET stack.